Kenanga Investors Berhad holds a Capital Markets and Services License for the regulated activities of fund management, unit trust, investment advice and dealing in Private Retirement Scheme (PRS). The company provides investment solutions to retail, corporate and institutional clients and is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Kenanga Investment Bank Berhad, the largest independent investment bank by equity trading value and volume in Malaysia.
For detail information on the PRS, please refer to the PRS Provider’s Disclosure Document & Product Highlights Sheet here
OnePRS Scheme Scheme Trustee: Maybank Trustees Berhad (5004–P)
Investment Objective | The Fund seeks income* whilst providing capital preservation**.
Any material changes to the investment objective of the Fund would require Members’ approval. |
Fund Category | Core (Conservative) | |
Investment Strategy |
The Fund seeks to achieve its objective by investing in local and/or foreign diversified portfolio of primarily fixed income instruments, as well as money market instruments and equities. At least 80% of the Fund’s NAV will be invested in fixed income instruments (which have a minimum rating of BBB3 or P2 by RAM or an equivalent rating by MARC) and money market instruments, of which a minimum 20% of the Fund’s NAV will be invested in money market instruments. Notwithstanding, the Fund may invest up to 5% of its NAV in unrated fixed income instruments. The Fund may invest a maximum of 20% of the Fund’s NAV in equities, of which up to 10% of the Fund’s NAV in L&I (leveraged and inverse exchange-traded) funds. The Fund may also invest in collective investment schemes as permitted under the Deed and Guidelines. The Fund will employ both top-down and bottom-up approach to evaluate its investments in equities and fixed income instruments. In the top-down approach, the fund manager will evaluate the global growth and economic outlook in Malaysia. In the bottom-up strategy, the fund manager will rely on fundamental research where the financial health, industry prospects, management quality and past track records of the companies are considered. The trading of both the equities and fixed income instruments will be based on the market conditions and also the judgement of the fund manager and also guided by the internal policies of the PRS Provider and the investment committee of the PRS Provider. Other Investment Strategies In addition to the investment strategies discussed above, the PRS Provider may invest up to 10% of the Fund’s NAV in L&I Funds. Through the L&I Funds, the PRS Provider would be able to hedge against a bearish market or mitigate a panic market sell-down by investing in an inverse exchange-traded fund. On the other note, the PRS Provider may take advantage of a market uptrend by investing in a leveraged exchange-traded fund to enhance the performance of the Fund. Utilising L&I Funds, like all investments, involves a certain degree of risk. Though L&I Funds are supposedly designed to track the performance of the index, there are bound to be tracking errors between the performances of the L&I Funds and the tracked index. The market prices of L&I Funds will generally fluctuate in accordance with the supply of and demand for the units of the L&I Funds, whereby the trading prices of L&I Funds may also differ from the L&I Funds’ net asset value. Therefore, the ease with which L&I Funds can be sold at or near their fair value depends very much on the volume traded on the market. In essence, investing into widely recognised and tradable L&I Funds will eventually lead to more efficient portfolio management. If the fund manager inadvertently makes a wrong investment decision to invest in a leveraged exchange-traded fund during a market downtrend or if the fund manager inadvertently makes a wrong investment decision to invest in an inverse exchange-traded fund during a market uptrend, the NAV of the Fund will be adversely affected. As such, taking a position in L&I Funds poses a risk if markets move in an opposite direction, or an opportunity if the positions are correct. However, any gains or losses in the portfolio is limited to the nominal exposure of the L&I Funds it partakes in. As part of KIB’s risk management strategy and policy, KIB will be managing the investments into L&I Funds in accordance with its in-house investment rules. In addition, KIB’s risk management team monitors and has oversight over the investment activities undertaken by the Fund. Risk management reports are submitted to the investment committee on a quarterly basis. Note: Investment into one or more collective investment schemes is permitted in the following circumstances: |
Asset Allocation | Fixed Income Instruments and / or money market instruments | Minimum 80% of the Fund’s NAV in fixed income instruments and money market instruments (with minimum 20% of the Fund’s NAV in money market instruments) and up to 5% of the Fund’s NAV in unrated fixed income instruments. |
Equities | Maximum 20% of the Fund’s NAV in equities (with maximum of 10% of the Fund’s NAV in leveraged and inverse exchange-traded funds). | |
Cash or cash equivalents | Up to 5% of the Fund’s NAV in liquid assets for liquidity purpose. | |
Benchmark | A composite of All MGS Index (80%) and FBM 100 (20%). The composition of the benchmark is reflective of the equity exposure and fixed income instruments exposure of the Fund.
Please note that the risk profile of the Fund is not the same as the risk profile of the performance benchmark .
Member Profile | This Fund is suitable for Members who • Seek capital preservation** of the invested capital; and/or • Have low tolerance of investment risks.For Members under the Default Option (i) who are 55 years old and above; or (ii) make their first contribution to the scheme a month before they attain the age of 55, their contributions will be allocated into this Fund. ** The Fund is neither a capital guaranteed fund nor a capital protected fund. Therefore “capital preservation” does not mean that Members’ capital is guaranteed or protected. |
Shariah OnePRS Scheme Trustee: CIMB Islamik Trustees Berhad (167913-M)
Investment Objective | The Fund seeks income^ whilst providing capital preservation*.
Any material changes to the investment objective of the Fund would require members’ approval. |
Fund Category | Core (Conservative) | |
Investment Strategy | The Fund seeks to achieve its objective by investing in local and/or foreign diversified portfolio of primarily sukuk, as well as Islamic money market instruments and Shariah-compliant equities.
At least 80% of the Fund’s NAV will be invested in sukuk (which have a minimum rating of BBB3 or P2 by RAM or an equivalent rating by MARC) and Islamic money market instruments, of which a minimum 20% of the Fund’s NAV will be invested in Islamic money market instruments. Notwithstanding, the Fund may invest up to 5% of its NAV in unrated sukuk. The Fund may also invest in Shariah-compliant equities, which are limited to a maximum of 20% of the Fund’s NAV. The Fund may also invest in Islamic collective investment schemes as permitted under the Deed and Guidelines. The Fund will employ both top-down and bottom-up approach to evaluate its investments in Shariah-compliant equities and sukuk. In the top-down approach, the fund manager will evaluate the global growth and economic outlook in Malaysia. In the bottom-up strategy, the fund manager will rely on fundamental research where the financial health, industry prospects, management quality and past track records of the companies are considered. The trading of both the Shariah-compliant equities and sukuk will be based on the market conditions and also the judgement of the fund manager and also guided by the internal policies of the PRS Provider and the investment committee of the PRS Provider. Note: Investment into one or more Islamic collective investment schemes is permitted in the following circumstances: |
Asset Allocation | Shariah-compliant equities | Maximum 20% of the Fund’s NAV in Shariah-compliant equities. |
Sukuk and Islamic money market instruments | Minimum 80% of the Fund’s NAV in sukuk and Islamic money market instruments (with minimum 20% of the Fund’s NAV in Islamic money market instruments) and up to 5% of the Fund’s NAV in unrated sukuk. | |
Cash or cash equivalents | Up to 5% of the Fund’s NAV in Islamic liquid assets for liquidity purpose | |
Performance Benchmark | A composite of Maybank 1-Month GIA rate (80%) and FBM EMAS Shariah Index (20%).
The composition of the benchmark is reflective of asset allocation of the Fund. It is a statistical measure of its overall performance over time. Please note that the risk profile of the Fund is not the same as the risk profile of the performance benchmark. |
Member Profile | This Fund is suitable for Members who
For Members under the Default Option who (i) are 55 years old and above; or (ii) make their first contribution to the scheme a month before they attain the age of 55, their contributions will be allocated into this Fund. ** The Fund is neither a capital guaranteed fund nor a capital protected fund. Therefore “capital preservation” does not mean that Members’ capital is guaranteed or protected. |
OnePRS Scheme Scheme Trustee: Maybank Trustees Berhad (5004–P)
Investment Objective | The Fund aims to achieve returns over the long-term through investments in equities and/or bonds.
Any material changes to the investment objective of the Fund would require members’ approval. |
Fund Category | Core (Moderate) | |
Investment Strategy | The Fund seeks to achieve its objective by investing in local and/or foreign diversified portfolio of equities, fixed income instrument and money market instruments.
A maximum of 60% of the Fund’s NAV will be invested in equities, of which up to 10% of the Fund’s NAV in L&I (leveraged and inverse exchange-traded) funds. The Fund will also invest at least 40% of the Fund’s NAV in fixed income instruments and/or money market instruments. The Fund may also invest in collective investment schemes as permitted under the Deed and Guidelines. The equities portion will consist of a mixture of both growth and dividend stocks. The Fund will employ both top-down and bottom-up approach to evaluate its investments in equities and fixed income instruments. In the top-down approach, the fund manager will evaluate the global growth and economic outlook of Malaysia. In the bottom-up strategy, the fund manager will rely on fundamental research where the financial health, industry prospects, management quality and past track records of the companies are considered. The trading of both the equities and fixed income instruments will be based on the market conditions and also the judgement of the fund manager and also guided by the internal policies of the PRS Provider and the investment committee of the PRS Provider. Other Investment Strategies In addition to the investment strategies discussed above, the PRS Provider may invest up to 10% of the Fund’s NAV in L&I funds. Through the L&I funds, the PRS Provider would be able to hedge against a bearish market or mitigate a panic market sell-down by investing in an inverse exchange-traded fund. On the other note, the PRS Provider may take advantage of a market uptrend by investing in a leveraged exchange-traded fund to enhance the performance of the Fund. Utilising L&I funds, like all investments, involves a certain degree of risk. Though L&I Funds are supposedly designed to track the performance of the index, there are bound to be tracking errors between the performances of the L&I Funds and the tracked index. The market prices of L&I Funds will generally fluctuate in accordance with the supply of and demand for the units of the L&I Funds; whereby the trading prices of L&I funds may also differ from the L&I Funds’ net asset value. Therefore, the ease with which L&I funds can be sold at or near their fair value depends very much on the volume traded on the market. In essence, investing into widely recognised and tradable L&I funds will eventually lead to more efficient portfolio management. If the fund manager inadvertently makes a wrong investment decision to invest in a leveraged exchange-traded fund during a market downtrend or if the fund manager inadvertently makes a wrong investment decision to invest in an inverse exchange-traded fund during a market uptrend, the NAV of the Fund will be adversely affected. As such, taking a position in L&I Funds pose a risk if markets move in an opposite direction, or an opportunity if the positions are correct. However, any gains or losses in the portfolio is limited to the nominal exposure of the L&I Funds it partakes in. As part of KIB’s risk management strategy and policy, KIB will be managing the investments into L&I Funds in accordance with its in-house investment rules. In addition, KIB’s risk management team monitors and has oversight over the investment activities undertaken by the Fund. Risk management reports are submitted to the investment committee on a quarterly basis. Note: Investment into one or more collective investment schemes is permitted in the following circumstances: |
Asset Allocation | Equities | Maximum 60% of the Fund’s NAV in equities (with maximum of 10% of the Fund’s NAV in leveraged and inverse exchange-traded funds). |
Fixed Income Instruments and / or money market instruments | At least 40% of the Fund’s NAV in fixed income instruments and/or money market instruments. | |
Cash or cash equivalents | Up to 5% of the Fund’s NAV in liquid assets for liquidity purpose. | |
Performance Benchmark | A composite of All MGS Index (40%) and FBM 100 (60%).
The composition of the benchmark is reflective of the equity exposure and fixed income instruments exposure of the Fund. Please note that the risk profile of the Fund is not the same as the risk profile of the performance benchmark. |
Member Profile | This Fund is suitable for Members who
For Members under the Default Option who have attained the age of 45 years old but are not yet 55 years old, their contributions will be allocated into this Fund. Note: Where a Member under the Default Option makes the first contribution to the Scheme a month before the Member attains the age of 45 or 55 years old as the case may be, the Member’s contribution will be allocated into the Kenanga OnePRS Moderate Fund or Kenanga OnePRS Conservative Fund respectively. |
Shariah OnePRS Scheme Trustee: CIMB Islamik Trustees Berhad (167913-M)
Investment Objective | The Fund aims to provide income* and capital growth over the long-term through investments in Shariah-compliant equities and sukuk.
Any material changes to the investment objective of the Fund would require members’ approval. |
Fund Category | Core (Growth) | |
Investment Strategy | The Fund seeks to achieve its objective by investing in local and/or foreign diversified portfolio of Shariah-compliant equities, sukuk and Islamic money market instruments.
A maximum of 60% of the Fund’s NAV will be invested in Shariah-compliant equities and at least 40% of the Fund’s NAV in sukuk and Islamic money market instruments. The Fund may also invest in Islamic collective investment schemes as permitted under the Deed and Guidelines. The Shariah-compliant equities portion will consist of a mixture of both growth and dividend Shariah-compliant stocks. The Fund will employ both top-down and bottom-up approach to evaluate its investments in Shariah-compliant equities and sukuk. In the top-down approach, the fund manager will evaluate the global growth and economic outlook of Malaysia. In the bottom-up strategy, the fund manager will rely on fundamental research where the financial health, industry prospects, management quality and past track records of the companies are considered. The trading of both the Shariah-compliant equities and sukuk will be based on the market conditions and also the judgement of the fund manager and also guided by the internal policies of the PRS Provider and the investment committee of the PRS Provider. Note: Investment into one or more Islamic collective investment schemes is permitted in the following circumstances: |
Asset Allocation | Shariah-compliant equities | Maximum 60% of the Fund’s NAV in Shariah-compliant equities. |
Sukuk and Islamic money market instruments | At least 40% of the Fund’s NAV in sukuk and Islamic money market instruments. | |
Cash or cash equivalents | Up to 5% of the Fund’s NAV in Islamic liquid assets for liquidity purpose. | |
Performance Benchmark | A composite of FBM EMAS Shariah Index (60%) and Maybank 1-Month GIA rate (40%).
The composition of the benchmark is reflective of asset allocation of the Fund. It is a statistical measure of its overall performance over time. Please note that the risk profile of the Fund is not the same as the risk profile of the performance benchmark. |
Member Profile | This Fund is suitable for Members who
For Members under the Default Option who have attained the age of 45 years old but are not yet 55 years old, their contributions will be allocated into this Fund. Note: Where a Member under the Default Option makes the first contribution to the Scheme a month before the Member attains the age of 45 or 55 years old as the case may be, the Member’s contribution will be allocated into the Kenanga Shariah OnePRS Moderate Fund or Kenanga Shariah OnePRS Conservative Fund respectively. |
OnePRS Scheme Scheme Trustee: Maybank Trustees Berhad (5004–P)
Investment Objective | The Fund seeks to provide capital growth.
Any material changes to the investment objective of the Fund would require Members’ approval. |
Fund Category | Core (Growth) | |
Investment Strategy | The Fund seeks to achieve its objective by investing in local and/or foreign diversified portfolio of primarily equities, as well as fixed income instrument and money market instruments.
The Fund may invest up to 80% of the Fund’s NAV in equities, of which up to 10% of the Fund’s NAV in L&I (leveraged and inverse exchange-traded) funds. The Fund may also invest at least 20% of the Fund’s NAV in fixed income instruments and/or money market instruments. The Fund may also invest in collective investment schemes as permitted under the Deed and Guidelines. The equities portion will consist of a mixture of both growth and dividend stocks. The Fund will employ both top-down and bottom-up approach to evaluate its investments in equities and fixed income instruments. In the top-down approach, the fund manager will evaluate the global growth and economic outlook of Malaysia. In the bottom-up strategy, the fund manager will rely on fundamental research where the financial health, industry prospects, management quality and past track records of the companies are considered. The trading of both the equities and fixed income instruments will be based on the market conditions and also the judgement of the fund manager and also guided by the internal policies of the PRS Provider and the investment committee of the PRS Provider. Other Investment Strategies In addition to the investment strategies discussed above, the PRS Provider may invest up to 10% of the Fund’s NAV in L&I funds. Through the L&I Funds, the PRS Provider would be able to hedge against a bearish market or mitigate a panic market sell-down by investing in an inverse exchange-traded fund. On the other note, the PRS Provider may take advantage of a market uptrend by investing in a leveraged exchange-traded fund to enhance the performance of the Fund. Utilising L&I Funds, like all investments, involves a certain degree of risk. Though L&I Funds are supposedly designed to track the performance of the index, there are bound to be tracking errors between the performances of the L&I Funds and the tracked index. The market prices of L&I Funds will generally fluctuate in accordance with the supply of and demand for the units of the L&I Funds; whereby the trading prices of L&I Funds may also differ from the L&I funds’ net asset value. Therefore, the ease with which L&I funds can be sold at or near their fair value depends very much on the volume traded on the market. In essence, investing into widely recognised and tradable L&I funds will eventually lead to more efficient portfolio management. If the fund manager inadvertently makes a wrong investment decision to invest in a leveraged exchange-traded fund during a market downtrend or if the fund manager inadvertently makes a wrong investment decision to invest in an inverse exchange-traded fund during a market uptrend, the NAV of the Fund will be adversely affected. As such, taking a position in L&I Funds pose a risk if markets move in an opposite direction, or an opportunity if the positions are correct. However, any gains or losses in the portfolio is limited to the nominal exposure of the L&I Funds it partakes in. As part of KIB’s risk management strategy and policy, KIB will be managing the investments into L&I funds in accordance with its in-house investment rules. In addition, KIB’s risk management team monitors and has oversight over the investment activities undertaken by the Fund. Risk management reports are submitted to the investment committee on a quarterly basis. Note: Investment into one or more collective investment schemes is permitted in the following circumstances: |
Asset Allocation | Equities | Maximum 80% of the Fund’s NAV in equities (with maximum of 10% of the Fund’s NAV in leveraged and inverse exchange-traded funds). |
Fixed Income Instruments and / or money market instruments | At least 20% of the Fund’s NAV in fixed income instruments and/or money market instruments. | |
Cash or cash equivalents | Up to 5% of the Fund’s NAV in liquid assets for liquidity purpose. | |
Performance Benchmark | A composite of All MGS Index (20%) and FBM 100 (80%).
The composition of the benchmark is reflective of the equity exposure and fixed income instruments exposure of the Fund. Please note that the risk profile of the Fund is not the same as the risk profile of the performance benchmark. |
Member Profile | This Fund is suitable for Members who
For Members under the Default Option who are below the age of 45 years, their contributions will be allocated into this Fund. Note: Where a Member under the Default Option makes the first contribution to the Scheme a month before the Member attains the age of 45 years old, the Member’s contribution will be allocated into the Kenanga OnePRS Moderate Fund instead. |
Shariah OnePRS Scheme Trustee: CIMB Islamik Trustees Berhad (167913-M)
Investment Objective | The Fund aims to provide capital growth over the long-term through investments in Shariah-compliant equities and sukuk.
Any material changes to the investment objective of the Fund would require members’ approval. |
Fund Category | Core (Growth) | |
Investment Strategy | The Fund seeks to achieve its objective by investing in local and/or foreign diversified portfolio of primarily Shariah-compliant equities, as well as sukuk and Islamic money market instruments.
The Fund may invest up to 80% of the Fund’s NAV in Shariah-compliant equities and at least 20% of the Fund’s NAV in sukuk and Islamic money market instruments. The Fund may also invest in Islamic collective investment schemes as permitted under the Deed and Guidelines. The Shariah-compliant equities portion will consist of a mixture of both growth and dividend Shariah-compliant stocks. The Fund will employ both top-down and bottom-up approach to evaluate its investments in Shariah-compliant equities and sukuk. In the top-down approach, the fund manager will evaluate the global growth and economic outlook of Malaysia. In the bottom-up strategy, the fund manager will rely on fundamental research where the financial health, industry prospects, management quality and past track records of the companies are considered. The trading of both the Shariah-compliant equities and sukuk will be based on the market conditions and also the judgement of the fund manager and also guided by the internal policies of the PRS Provider and the investment committee of the PRS Provider. Note: Investment into one or more Islamic collective investment schemes is permitted in the following circumstances: |
Asset Allocation | Shariah-compliant equities | Maximum 80% of the Fund’s NAV in Shariah-compliant equities. |
Sukuk and Islamic money market instruments | At least 20% of the Fund’s NAV in sukuk and Islamic money market instrument. | |
Cash or cash equivalents | Up to 5% of the Fund’s NAV in Islamic liquid assets for liquidity purpose. | |
Performance Benchmark | A composite of FBM EMAS Shariah Index (80%) and Maybank 1-Month GIA rate (20%).
The composition of the benchmark is reflective of asset allocation of the Fund. It is a statistical measure of its overall performance over time. Please note that the risk profile of the Fund is not the same as the risk profile of the performance benchmark. |
Member Profile | This Fund is suitable for Members who
For Members under the Default Option who are below the age of 45 years, their contributions will be allocated into this Fund. Note: Where a Member under the Default Option makes the first contribution to the Scheme a month before the Member attains the age of 45 years old, the Member’s contribution will be allocated into the Kenanga Shariah OnePRS Moderate Fund instead. |
Investment Objective | The Fund seeks to provide capital growth by investing in the Target Fund.
Any material changes to the investment objective of the Fund would require Members’ approval. |
Fund Category | Feeder Fund (Shariah-compliant Equity) | |
Investment Strategy | The Fund seeks to achieve its objective by investing a minimum of 85% of the Fund’s NAV in the Target Fund (Kenanga Syariah Growth Fund) that invests in Shariah compliant equities. | |
Asset Allocation | Shariah-compliant equities | Minimum 85% of the Fund’s NAV will be invested in the Target Fund. |
Cash and/ or Islamic money market instruments | Maximum 15% of the Fund’s NAV will be invested in Islamic liquid asset and/or Islamic money market instruments. | |
Performance Benchmark | FTSE Bursa Malaysia Emas Shariah Index.
Information on FTSE Bursa Malaysia Emas Shariah Index can be obtained from Members may also obtain information on the Performance benchmark from the PRS Provider. Please note that the risk profile of the Fund is not the same as the risk profile of the performance benchmark |
Member Profile | This Fund is suitable for members who
For all Funds | |
Minimum initial contribution | • Lump sum: RM1,000 per Fund. • Regular contribution plan: RM100 per Fund. |
Minimum additional contribution | RM100 per Fund. |
Minimum withdrawal | RM250 per Fund or 500 Units per Fund. |
Kenanga OnePRS Conservative Fund | Kenanga OnePRS Moderate Fund | Kenanga OnePRS Growth Fund | Kenanga OnePRS Shariah Equity Fund | |
Sales charge | Up to 1.50% of NAV per Unit of the Fund. (Negotiable) |
Redemption charge | Nil. | |||
Switching fee (between funds in this Scheme) | Nil. | |||
Switching Fee (between funds in another PRS managed by KIB) | Nil. | |||
Transfer fee (to another PRS provider) | RM25 per transaction. (Non-negotiable) |
Annual management fee | 1.55% per annum of the Fund’s NAV. | |||
Annual scheme trustee fee | 0.015% per annum of the Fund’s NAV or a minimum fee of RM6,000 per annum for the Fund. | |||
Annual PPA administration fee | 0.04% per annum of the Fund’s NAV. |
Kenanga Shariah OnePRS Conservative Fund | Kenanga Shariah OnePRS Moderate Fund | Kenanga Shariah OnePRS Growth Fund | |
Sales charge | Up to 1.50% of NAV per Unit of the Fund. (Negotiable) |
Redemption charge | Nil. | ||
Switching fee (between funds in this Scheme) | Nil. | ||
Switching Fee (between funds in another PRS managed by KIB) | Nil. | ||
Transfer fee (to another PRS provider) | RM25 per transaction. (Non-negotiable) |
Annual management fee | 1.55% per annum of the Fund’s NAV | ||
Annual scheme trustee fee | 0.02% per annum of the Fund’s NAV or a minimum fee of RM6,000 per annum per Fund. | ||
Annual PPA administration fee | 0.04% per annum of the Fund’s NAV |
General Investment Risks
Capital and returns not guaranteed risk, Risks associated with default option, Legal and regulatory risk, Market risk, Inflation risk, PRS Provider risk and Risk of non-compliance.
Specific Risks of the Funds
Kenanga OnePRS Conservative Fund | Kenanga OnePRS Moderate Fund | Kenanga OnePRS Growth Fund | Kenanga OnePRS Shariah Equity Fund | |
Interest Rate Risk | ![]() |
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Liquidity Risk | ![]() |
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Credit and Default Risk | ![]() |
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Stock-specific Risk | ![]() |
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Derivatives Risk | ![]() |
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Collective Investment Scheme Risk | ![]() |
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Currency Risk | ![]() |
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Risk associated with investment in the Target Fund | ![]() |
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Concentration risk | ![]() |
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Kenanga Shariah OnePRS Conservative Fund | Kenanga Shariah OnePRS Moderate Fund | Kenanga Shariah OnePRS Growth Fund | |
Interest Rate Risk | ![]() |
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Liquidity Risk | ![]() |
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Credit and Default risk | ![]() |
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Stock-specific Risk | ![]() |
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Islamic Collective Investment Scheme Risk | ![]() |
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Currency Risk | ![]() |
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Islamic Derivatives risk | ![]() |
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Reclassification of Shariah Status Risk | ![]() |
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Kenanga Investors Berhad
Kuala Lumpur Level 13, Kenanga Tower 237, Jalan Tun Razak 50400 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Toll Free: 1-300-88-1777 Tel: 03-2172 3123 Fax: 03-2172 3133 |
Melaka No. 43 Jalan KSB 11 Taman Kota Syahbandar 75200 Melaka Tel No: 06-240 2310 Fax No: 06-240 2287 |
Petaling Jaya 44B, Jalan SS21/35 Damansara Utama 47400 Petaling Jaya, Selangor Tel No: 03-7710 8828 Fax No: 03-7710 8830 |
Penang 5.04, 5th Floor, Menara Boustead Penang 39, Jalan Sultan Ahmad Shah 10050 Penang Tel: 04-210 6628 Fax: 04-210 6644 |
Kota Kinabalu Level 8, Wisma Great Eastern No.68, Jalan Gaya 88000 Kota Kinabalu, Sabah Tel: 088-203 063 Fax: 088-203 062 |
Johor Bahru No. 63, Jalan Molek 3/1 Taman Molek 81100 Johor Bahru, Johor Tel: 07-288 1683 Fax: 07-288 1693 |
Kuching 1st Floor, No 71, Lot 10900 Jalan Tun Jugah 93350 Kuching, Sarawak Tel: 082-572 228 Fax: 082-572 229 |
Ipoh Suite 1, 2nd Floor 63, Persiaran Greenhill 30450 Ipoh, Perak Tel: 05-254 7573 / 05-254 7570 Fax: 05-254 7606 |
Klang No. 12, Jalan Batai Laut 3 Taman Intan 41300 Klang, Selangor Tel: 03-3341 8818 / 03-3348 7889 Fax: 03-3341 8816 |
Miri 2nd Floor, Lot 1264 Centre Point Commercial Centre Jalan Melayu 98000 Miri, Sarawak Tel: 085-416 866 Fax: 085-322 340 |
Seremban 2nd Floor, No. 1D-2 Jalan Tuanku Munawir 70000 Seremban, Negeri Sembilan Tel: 06-761 5678 Fax: 06-761 2242 |
Kuantan Ground Floor Shop No. B8, Jalan Tun Ismail 1 25000 Kuantan, Pahang Tel: 09-514 3688 Fax: 09-514 3838 |