Private Pension Administrator Malaysia (PPA) – The Central Administrator for the Private Retirement Scheme (PRS)

The Private Pension Administrator Malaysia was established by the Securities Commission Malaysia as the central administrator for the private retirement scheme (PRS). As an independent and not for profit organisation, PPA forms part of the PRS framework to establish PRS as a voluntary long term retirement savings scheme for the public. Just like the EPF which is the pension organisation that serves all EPF members, likewise the PPA is set up for PRS contributors.

PPA is set up for PRS contributors

The cornerstone of PPA’s mission is to serve and protect the interests of PRS members guided by the motto “We are here for you” at all times. Upon enrolment as a PRS contributor, you’re automatically registered with PPA as a lifetime member. The PPA will provide you with your own personal PPA account that will register and consolidate all your PRS transactions, making it easy for you to keep track of your PRS contributions and fund performance.

For some who may have more than one fund with different PRS Providers, your account will be consolidated and reported to show all your PRS funds. For ease of convenience, you have 24/7 access to your personal account to monitor and review your PRS funds.

“We are here for you”

Engaging its membership base is another core focus of PPA. Through its member’s communication, engagement and education programmes, members are provided with latest updates and reminders to make their next contribution and to take advantage of the PRS tax and youth incentives.

The annual account statements which are sent to all PRS members doubles as a report card on the status of their contributions, transactions and fund performance. PPA’s members’ services provide on-going servicing and attend to all requests and enquiries through its multi-lingual call centre. All you need to do is call 1300-131-PPA (772) or email to get answers to your enquiries or information pertaining to your account or PRS.

PPA is also actively involved in educating and advocating the PRS as the voluntary retirement savings pillar for the public to save more for their retirement and ensure adequacy, sufficiency and sustainability of their income during their retirement years.

Copyright © 2016 by Private Pension Administrator Malaysia. No part of the above mentioned shall be disseminated, reproduced or used without the prior approval from PPA.