Fund Performance

Quick View

Markets may be volatile in the short‐term but saving for your retirement is a long‐term endeavour. The table below is updated monthly to give you a snapshot of PRS fund performances over a five-year and 1-year period. Past performance is no guarantee of future returns, so use it only as a guide to your retirement planning needs.

Top 8 Funds in 5-Year Annualised Return:

*The funds are ranked by their 5-year annualised return

Top Performing Fund by Provider in 1-Year Return:

*The top fund of each Provider is selected for display in this table. The funds are then sorted alphabetically by Provider.

For a complete view of all PRS Funds Performance, please click here.
For the list of PRS Funds and their fees, please click here.

Source: Morningstar
Date: 4 Dec 2024

*Annualised Return: The average growth in % earned each year over a given time period.
Important note: Past performance of the Fund is not an indication of its future performance.