PRS Distributors
Who can market and distribute the PRS?
PRS Distributors are entities that enter into agreement with PRS Providers to market and distribute the PRS to individuals and employers. The individuals representing the PRS Distributors are PRS Consultants who are required to be registered with the Federation of Investment Managers Malaysia (FiMM).
The distribution channel and the PRS Consultant are regulated to ensure –
• High standards of conduct; and
• The delivery of reasonable advice or basis for recommendations to individuals and corporations.
Please ensure your PRS Consultant carries the PRS identification card issued by FiMM as shown in the sample below.

Types of PRS Distributors:
1. PRS Providers
2. Institutional PRS Advisers (IPRA)
IPRA are approved banking and financial institutions distributors, marketing for a panel of PRS Providers. Click here to view the list of IPRA.
3. Corporate PRS Advisers (CPRA)
CPRA are independent advisers, marketing for a panel of PRS Providers. Click here to view the list of CPRA.
Members of the public should only deal with licensed PRS Distributors and PRS Consultants.
Investors seeking for holistic financial planning services or advice in regard to PRS can also contact licensed PRS Consultants, the list of which can be found at the SC’s website together with contact details.
PRS Providers & Schemes