
Manulife Investment Management (M) Berhad (834424-U) (“Manulife IM (Malaysia)”) is a wholly owned subsidiary of Manulife Holdings Berhad and holds a Capital Markets Services License for fund management, dealing in securities restricted to unit trusts, dealing in private retirement schemes and financial planning under the Capital Markets and Services Act 2007.

Manulife IM (Malaysia) operates under the brand name of Manulife Investment Management which is the global wealth and asset management segment of Manulife Financial Corporation.

For detail information on the PRS, please refer to the PRS Provider’s Disclosure Document & Product Highlights Sheet here



Manulife PRS NESTEGG Series Scheme Trustee: HSBC (Malaysia) Trustee Berhad

Please read the scheme’s disclosure document before deciding to make a contribution. If you do not have a copy, please contact the PRS Provider to ask for one or click here to go to the PRS Provider’s page.

Investment Objective

The Fund aims to provide steady returns whilst preserving* capital.

*Please note that this Fund is neither capital guaranteed nor capital protected; therefore, a Member’s capital is neither guaranteed nor protected.

Fund Category Core (Conservative)
Investment Strategy The Fund invests in a diversified portfolio of equities, equity-related securities, REITs (via CIS) and/or fixed income instruments. To achieve the investment objective of the Fund, the Fund may invest a maximum of 35% of its NAV in equities, equity-related securities and/or REITs (via CIS). The Fund will invest at least 65% of the Fund’s NAV in fixed income instruments such as bonds, money market instruments and deposits with financial institutions. The fixed income instruments which the Fund invests in must be rated at least BBB3/P2 by RAM Rating Services Berhad (or equivalent rating by Malaysian Rating Corporation Berhad). Further, the Fund may also invest up to 5% of the Fund’s NAV in fixed income instruments which are rated below BBB3/P2 and/or are unrated. The Fund may invest in these investments directly or via CIS.

The Fund may invest up to 100% of the Fund’s NAV in foreign investments in the global markets where the regulatory authority is an ordinary or associate member of the IOSCO.

Asset Allocation Fixed Income Instruments and / or money market instruments At least 65% of the Fund’s NAV will be invested in fixed income instruments such as bonds, money market instruments and deposits with financial institutions.
Equities Maximum 35% of the Fund’s NAV will be invested in equities, equity-related securities and/or REITs (via CIS);
Performance Benchmark Median return of all non Shariah-compliant PRS core funds – conservative funds established in Malaysia.

Note: The performance benchmark above is only used as a reference for investment performance comparison purpose. The risk profile of the Fund is not the same as the risk profile of the performance benchmark. The performance benchmark information is available at

Member Profile

The Fund is suitable for Members who:

  • have a low risk appetite;
  • seek regular distribution of Units from their contributions;
  • seek an additional retirement savings* scheme other than mandatory retirement scheme;
  • are not statutorily obliged to contribute to mandatory retirement scheme; and/or
  • are employers who wish to contribute on behalf of their employees having the aforesaid characteristics.

*Please note that this Fund is neither capital guaranteed nor capital protected, therefore, a Member’s capital is neither guaranteed nor protected.

Manulife Shariah PRS NESTEGG Series Scheme Trustee: CIMB Islamic Trustee Berhad (formerly known as CIMB Trustee Berhad)

Please read the scheme’s disclosure document before deciding to make a contribution. If you do not have a copy, please contact the PRS Provider to ask for one or click here to go to the PRS Provider’s page.

Investment Objective

The Fund aims to provide steady returns whilst preserving* capital.

*Please note that this Fund is neither capital guaranteed nor capital protected; therefore, a Member’s capital is neither guaranteed nor protected.

Fund Category Core (Conservative)
Investment Strategy The Fund invests in a diversified portfolio of Shariah-compliant equities, Shariah-compliant equity-related securities, Islamic REITs (via Islamic CIS), sukuk, Islamic money market instruments and/or Islamic deposits with financial institutions. To achieve the investment objective of the Fund, the Fund may invest a maximum of 35% of its NAV in Shariah compliant equities, Shariah-compliant equity-related securities and/or Islamic REITs (via Islamic CIS). The Fund will invest at least 65% of the Fund’s NAV in sukuk, Islamic money market instruments and/or Islamic deposits with financial institutions. The sukuk and/or Islamic money market instruments which the Fund invests in must be rated at least BBB3/P2 by RAM (or equivalent rating by MARC). Further, the Fund may also invest up to 5% of the Fund’s NAV in sukuk and/or Islamic money market instruments which are rated below BBB3/P2 and/or are unrated.

The Fund may invest in these investments directly or via Islamic CIS. The Fund may invest up to 100% of the Fund’s NAV in Shariah-compliant foreign investments in the global markets where the regulatory authority is an ordinary or associate member of the IOSCO.

Asset Allocation Fixed Income Instruments and / or money market instruments At least 65% of the Fund’s NAV will be invested in sukuk, Islamic money market instruments and/or Islamic deposits with financial institutions.
Equities Maximum 35% of the Fund’s NAV will be invested in Shariah-compliant equities, Shariah-compliant equity-related securities and/or Islamic REITs (via Islamic CIS).
Performance Benchmark

Median return of all Shariah-compliant PRS core funds – conservative funds established in Malaysia.

Note: The performance benchmark above is only used as a reference for investment performance comparison purpose. The risk profile of the Fund is not the same as the risk profile of the performance benchmark. The performance benchmark information is available at

Member Profile

The Fund is suitable for Members who:

  • have a low risk appetite;
  • seek regular distribution of Units from their contributions;
  • seek an additional retirement savings* scheme other than mandatory retirement scheme;
  • are not statutorily obliged to contribute to mandatory retirement scheme;
  • are employers who wish to contribute on behalf of their employees having the aforesaid characteristics; and/or
  • seek to invest in a Shariah-compliant investment.

*Please note that this Fund is neither capital guaranteed nor capital protected, therefore, a Member’s capital is neither guaranteed nor protected.

Manulife PRS NESTEGG Series Scheme Trustee: HSBC (Malaysia) Trustee Berhad

Please read the scheme’s disclosure document before deciding to make a contribution. If you do not have a copy, please contact the PRS Provider to ask for one or click here to go to the PRS Provider’s page.

Investment Objective The Fund aims to facilitate accumulation of retirement savings* through a combination of income# and capital growth over the long-term.

*Please note that this Fund is neither capital guaranteed nor capital protected; therefore, a Member’s capital is neither guaranteed nor protected.

#Income declared will be reinvested in the form of additional Units issued to Members.

Fund Category Core (Moderate)
Investment Strategy The Fund invests in a diversified portfolio of equities, equity-related securities, REITs (via CIS) and/or fixed income instruments. To achieve the investment objective of the Fund, the Fund may invest a maximum of 65% of its NAV in equities, equity-related securities and/or REITs (via CIS). The Fund will invest at least 35% of the Fund’s NAV in fixed income instruments such as bonds, money market instruments and deposits with financial institutions. The Fund may invest in these investments directly or via CIS.

The Fund may invest up to 100% of the Fund’s NAV in foreign investments in the global markets where the regulatory authority is an ordinary or associate member of the IOSCO.

Asset Allocation Fixed Income Instruments and / or money market instruments At least 35% of the Fund’s NAV will be invested in fixed income instruments such as bonds, money market instruments and deposits with financial institutions.
Equities Maximum 65% of the Fund’s NAV will be invested in equities, equity related securities and/or REITs (via CIS)
Performance Benchmark Median return of all non Shariah-compliant PRS core funds – moderate funds established in Malaysia.

Note: The performance benchmark above is only used as a reference for investment performance comparison purpose. The risk profile of the Fund is not the same as the risk profile of the performance benchmark. The performance benchmark information is available

Member Profile

The Fund is suitable for Members who:

  • have a moderate risk appetite;
  • seek capital appreciation on and distribution of Units from their contributions;
  • seek an additional retirement savings* scheme other than mandatory retirement scheme;
  • are not statutorily obliged to contribute to mandatory retirement scheme; and/or
  • are employers who wish to contribute on behalf of their employees having the aforesaid characteristics.

*Please note that this Fund is neither capital guaranteed nor capital protected, therefore, a Member’s capital is neither guaranteed nor protected.

Manulife Shariah PRS NESTEGG Series Scheme Trustee: CIMB Islamic Trustee Berhad (formerly known as CIMB Trustee Berhad)

Please read the scheme’s disclosure document before deciding to make a contribution. If you do not have a copy, please contact the PRS Provider to ask for one or click here to go to the PRS Provider’s page.

Investment Objective The Fund aims to facilitate accumulation of retirement savings* through a combination of income# and capital growth over the long-term.

*Please note that this Fund is neither capital guaranteed nor capital protected; therefore, a Member’s capital is neither guaranteed nor protected.

#Income declared will be reinvested in the form of additional Units issued to Members.

Fund Category Core (Moderate)
Investment Strategy The Fund invests in a diversified portfolio of Shariah-compliant equities, Shariah-compliant equity-related securities, Islamic REITs (via Islamic CIS), sukuk, Islamic money market instruments and/or Islamic deposits with financial institutions. To achieve the investment objective of the Fund, the Fund may invest a maximum of 65% of its NAV in Shariah compliant equities, Shariah-compliant equity-related securities and/or Islamic REITs (via Islamic CIS). The Fund will invest at least 35% of the Fund’s NAV in sukuk, Islamic money market instruments and/or Islamic deposits with financial institutions. The Fund may invest in these investments directly or via Islamic CIS.

The Fund may invest up to 100% of the Fund’s NAV in Shariah-compliant foreign investments in the global markets where the regulatory authority is an ordinary or associate member of the IOSCO.

Asset Allocation Fixed Income Instruments and / or money market instruments At least 35% of the Fund’s NAV will be invested in sukuk, Islamic money market instruments and/or Islamic deposits with financial institutions.
Equities Maximum 65% of the Fund’s NAV will be invested in Shariah-compliant equities, Shariah-compliant equity-related securities and/or Islamic REITs (via Islamic CIS)
Performance Benchmark Median return of all Shariah-compliant PRS core funds – moderate funds established in Malaysia.

Note: The performance benchmark above is only used as a reference for investment performance comparison purpose. The risk profile of the Fund is not the same as the risk profile of the performance benchmark. The performance benchmark information is available at

Member Profile The Fund is suitable for Members who:

  • have a moderate risk appetite;
  • seek capital appreciation on and distribution of Units from their contributions;
  • seek an additional retirement savings* scheme other than mandatory retirement scheme;
  • are not statutorily obliged to contribute to mandatory retirement scheme;
  • are employers who wish to contribute on behalf of their employees having the aforesaid characteristics; and/or
  • seek to invest in a Shariah-compliant investment.

*Please note that this Fund is neither capital guaranteed nor capital protected, therefore, a Member’s capital is neither guaranteed nor protected.

Manulife PRS NESTEGG Series Scheme Trustee: HSBC (Malaysia) Trustee Berhad

Please read the scheme’s disclosure document before deciding to make a contribution. If you do not have a copy, please contact the PRS Provider to ask for one or click here to go to the PRS Provider’s page.

Investment Objective The Fund aims to facilitate accumulation of retirement savings* by providing capital growth over the long-term.

*Please note that this Fund is neither capital guaranteed nor capital protected, therefore, a Member’s capital is neither guaranteed nor protected.
Fund Category Core (Growth)
Investment Strategy The Fund invests in a diversified portfolio of equities, equity-related securities, REITs (via CIS) and/or fixed income instruments. To achieve the investment objective of the Fund, the Fund may invest a maximum of 95% of its NAV in equities, equity-related securities and/or REITs (via CIS). The Fund will invest at least 5% of the Fund’s NAV in fixed income instruments such as bonds, money market instruments and deposits with financial institutions. The Fund may invest in these investments directly or via CIS.

The Fund may invest up to 100% of the Fund’s NAV in foreign investments in the global markets where the regulatory authority is an ordinary or associate member of the IOSCO.

Asset Allocation Equities Maximum 95% of the Fund’s NAV will be invested in equities, equity related securities and/or REITs (via CIS)
Fixed Income Instruments and / or money market instruments At least 5% of the Fund’s NAV will be invested in fixed income instruments such as bonds, money market instruments and deposits with financial institutions.
Performance Benchmark

Median return of all non Shariah-compliant PRS core funds – growth funds established in Malaysia.

Note: The performance benchmark above is only used as a reference for investment performance comparison purpose. The risk profile of the Fund is not the same as the risk profile of the performance benchmark. The performance benchmark information is available at
Member Profile

The Fund is suitable for Members who:

  • have a moderate to high risk appetite;
  • seek capital appreciation on their contributions;
  • seek an additional retirement savings* scheme other than mandatory retirement scheme;
  • are not statutorily obliged to contribute to mandatory retirement scheme; and/or
  • are employers who wish to contribute on behalf of their employees having the aforesaid characteristics.
*Please note that this Fund is neither capital guaranteed nor capital protected, therefore, a Member’s capital is neither guaranteed nor protected.

Manulife Shariah PRS NESTEGG Series Scheme Trustee: CIMB Islamic Trustee Berhad (formerly known as CIMB Trustee Berhad)

Please read the scheme’s disclosure document before deciding to make a contribution. If you do not have a copy, please contact the PRS Provider to ask for one or click here to go to the PRS Provider’s page.

Investment Objective The Fund aims to facilitate accumulation of retirement savings* by providing capital growth over the long-term.

*Please note that this Fund is neither capital guaranteed nor capital protected, therefore, a Member’s capital is neither guaranteed nor protected.

Fund Category Core (Growth)
Investment Strategy

The Fund invests in a diversified portfolio of Shariah-compliant equities, Shariah-compliant equity-related securities, Islamic REITs (via Islamic CIS), sukuk, Islamic money market instruments and/or Islamic deposits with financial institutions. To achieve the investment objective of the Fund, the Fund may invest a maximum of 95% of its NAV in Shariah compliant equities, Shariah-compliant equity-related securities and/or Islamic REITs (via Islamic CIS). The Fund will invest at least 5% of the Fund’s NAV in sukuk, Islamic money market instruments and/or Islamic deposits with financial institutions. The Fund may invest in these investments directly or via Islamic CIS.

The Fund may invest up to 100% of the Fund’s NAV in Shariah-compliant foreign investments in the global markets where the regulatory authority is an ordinary or associate member of the IOSCO.

Asset Allocation Equities Maximum 95% of the Fund’s NAV will be invested in Shariah-compliant equities, Shariah-compliant equity-related securities and/or Islamic REITs (via Islamic CIS)
Fixed Income Instruments and / or money market instruments At least 5% of the Fund’s NAV will be invested in sukuk, Islamic money market instruments and/or Islamic deposits with financial institutions.
Performance Benchmark

Median return of all Shariah-compliant PRS core funds – growth funds established in Malaysia.

Note: The performance benchmark above is only used as a reference for investment performance comparison purpose. The risk profile of the Fund is not the same as the risk profile of the performance benchmark. The performance benchmark information is available at

Member Profile

The Fund is suitable for Members who:

  • have a moderate to high risk appetite;
  • seek capital appreciation on their contributions;
  • seek an additional retirement savings* scheme other than mandatory retirement scheme;
  • are not statutorily obliged to contribute to mandatory retirement scheme;
  • are employers who wish to contribute on behalf of their employees having the aforesaid characteristics; and/or
  • seek to invest in a Shariah-compliant investment.

*Please note that this Fund is neither capital guaranteed nor capital protected, therefore, a Member’s capital is neither guaranteed nor protected.


Please read the scheme’s disclosure document before deciding to make a contribution. If you do not have a copy, please contact the PRS Provider to ask for one or click here to go to the PRS Provider’s page.

Investment Objective The Fund aims to provide long-term capital appreciation and sustainable income# by investing in one collective investment scheme, which invests mainly in REITs.

#Income declared will be reinvested in the form of additional Units issued to Members.
Fund Category Feeder Fund (REITs)
Investment Strategy

The Fund will invest at least 95% of the Fund’s NAV in the Manulife Investment Asia-Pacific REIT Fund (“Target Fund”), while the balance will be invested in liquid assets such as money market instruments (including fixed income securities which have remaining maturity period of not more than 365 days) and placement of deposits with financial institutions for liquidity purposes.

The Fund’s portfolio will be closely monitored and rebalanced from time to time to ensure that the Fund’s asset is allocated in accordance with its prescribed asset allocation.

If the Provider is of the opinion that the Target Fund no longer meets the Fund’s objective, the Provider will, in the interest of the members, seeks the Scheme Trustee’s consultation and subject to the member’s approval, replace the Target Fund with another collective investment scheme of a similar objective.

Asset Allocation Target Fund At least 95% of the Fund’s NAV will be invested in the Target Fund.
Liquid assets Balance of the Fund’s NAV in liquid assets such as money market instruments (including fixed income securities which have remaining maturity period of not more than 365 days) and placement of deposits with financial institutions for liquidity purposes.
Performance Benchmark Manulife Investment Asia REIT Ex Japan Index, which is also the performance benchmark of the Target Fund. The Manulife Investment Asia REIT Ex Japan Index is a customised index which consists of the REIT funds universe within Asia ex Japan markets, which include China, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Pakistan, Philippines, Singapore, South Korea, Taiwan and Thailand. The index is a market capitalisation weighted index of REIT funds with market capitalisation of USD5 million or more.

Note: Members should be aware that the risk profile of the Fund is not the same as the risk profile of the performance benchmark. The performance benchmark information is available at
Member Profile

The Fund is suitable for Members who:

  • seek investment exposure mainly through a diversified portfolio of REITs within the Asia-Pacific region;
  • seek a sustainable distribution of Units and long-term capital growth on their contributions;
  • seek an additional retirement savings* scheme other than mandatory retirement scheme;
  • are not statutorily obliged to contribute to mandatory retirement scheme; and/or
  • are employers who wish to contribute on behalf of their employees having the aforesaid characteristics.
*Please note that this Fund is neither capital guaranteed nor capital protected, therefore, a Member’s capital is neither guaranteed nor protected.

Please read the scheme’s disclosure document before deciding to make a contribution. If you do not have a copy, please contact the PRS Provider to ask for one or click here to go to the PRS Provider’s page.

Investment Objective The Fund aims to provide regular income# and capital appreciation by investing in one Islamic collective investment scheme, which invests mainly in Islamic REITs.

#Income declared will be reinvested in the form of additional Units issued to Members.
Fund Category Feeder Fund (Islamic REITs)
Investment Strategy

The Fund will invest at least 95% of the Fund’s NAV in the Manulife Shariah Global REIT Fund (“Target Fund”), while the balance will be invested in Islamic liquid assets such as Islamic money market instruments and placement of Islamic deposits with financial institutions for liquidity purposes.

The Fund’s portfolio will be closely monitored and rebalanced from time to time to ensure that the Fund’s asset is allocated in accordance with its prescribed asset allocation.

If the Provider is of the opinion that the Target Fund no longer meets the Fund’s objective, the Provider will, in the interest of the members, seeks the Scheme Trustee’s consultation and subject to the Member’s approval, replace the Target Fund with another Islamic collective investment scheme of a similar objective.

Asset Allocation Target Fund At least 95% of the Fund’s NAV will be invested in the Target Fund.
Liquid assets Balance of the Fund’s NAV in Islamic liquid assets such as Islamic money market instruments and placement of Islamic deposits with financial institutions for liquidity purposes.

Note: The Provider will ensure that there is sufficient liquidity for the Funds to meet redemption requests.
Performance Benchmark IdealRatings® Global REITs Islamic Select Malaysia Index, which is also the performance benchmark of the Target Fund.

Note: Members should be aware that the risk profile of the Fund is not the same as the risk profile of the performance benchmark. The performance benchmark information and disclaimer of IdealRatings are available in
Member Profile

The Fund is suitable for Members who:

  • seek investment exposure mainly through a diversified portfolio of REITs globally;
  • seek a sustainable distribution of Units and potential capital growth on their contributions over medium to long-term (means the period of three(3) to five (5) years);
  • seek an additional retirement savings* scheme other than mandatory retirement scheme;
  • are not statutorily obliged to contribute to mandatory retirement scheme;
  • are employers who wish to contribute on behalf of their employees having the aforesaid characteristics; and/or
  • seek to invest in a Shariah-compliant investment.
*Please note that this Fund is neither capital guaranteed nor capital protected, therefore, a Member’s capital is neither guaranteed nor protected.

Please read the scheme’s disclosure document before deciding to make a contribution. If you do not have a copy, please contact the PRS Provider to ask for one or click here to go to the PRS Provider’s page.

Investment Objective The Fund aims to achieve capital appreciation by investing in a portfolio of Islamic collective investment schemes.
Fund Category Fund-of-Funds (Islamic)
Investment Strategy To achieve its investment objective, the Fund will invest a minimum of 95% of the Fund’s NAV in a portfolio of Islamic CIS that aims to provide capital appreciation through exposure into China and India markets. The Fund will invest in at least two (2) Islamic CIS at all times with investment objective that is similar to the Fund. The Provider shall issue a supplementary / replacement disclosure document and notify Members of the Fund on any amendments to the markets which the Fund may invest in.

The remaining NAV of the Fund will be invested in Islamic liquid assets such as cash, Islamic money market instruments, general investment accounts and/or Islamic deposits with financial institutions for liquidity purposes.

The Fund adopts a passive strategy by equally allocating the Fund’s NAV among the Islamic CIS which the Fund invests in. The Fund’s portfolio will be closely monitored and rebalanced from time to time to ensure that the Fund’s asset is allocated in accordance with its prescribed asset allocation.

Asset Allocation Target Fund Minimum 95% of the Fund’s NAV will be invested in a portfolio of Islamic CIS
Liquid assets The remaining NAV of the Fund will be invested in Islamic liquid assets such as cash, Islamic money market instruments, general investment accounts and/or Islamic deposits with financial institutions for liquidity purposes.
Performance Benchmark 50% FTSE Shariah China Index + 50% Nifty Shariah 25 Index Note: The composite performance benchmark provides a balanced gauge on the asset allocation of the Fund which can invest a minimum of 95% of the Fund’s NAV in a portfolio of Islamic CIS with exposure in China and India markets. The performance benchmark above is only used as a reference for investment performance comparison purpose.
The risk profile of the Fund is not the same as the risk profile of this performance benchmark. The performance benchmark information is available at
Member Profile

The Fund is suitable for Members who:

  • seek capital appreciation with investment focus in China and India market;
  • have a long-term investment horizon;
  • seek an additional retirement savings* scheme other than mandatory retirement scheme;
  • are not statutorily obliged to contribute to mandatory retirement scheme;
  • are employers who wish to contribute on behalf of their employees having the aforesaid characteristics; and/or
  • seek to invest in a Shariah-compliant investment.
*Please note that this Fund is neither capital guaranteed nor capital protected, therefore, a Member’s capital is neither guaranteed nor protected.


There are fees and charges involved and you are advised to consider them before contributing to the scheme.

For all Funds
Minimum Investment Initial and subsequent investment: RM100 or such other amount as the Provider may decide from time to time.
Minimum Withdrawal 200 Units or such other amount as the PRS Provider may decide from time to time.


There are fees and charges involved and you are advised to consider them before contributing to the scheme.
Manulife PRS NESTEGG Series Manulife PRS – Conservative Fund Manulife PRS – Moderate Fund Manulife PRS – Growth Fund Manulife PRS – Asia Pacific REIT Fund
Manulife Shariah PRS NESTEGG Series Manulife Shariah PRS – Conservative Fund Manulife Shariah PRS – Moderate Fund Manulife Shariah PRS – Growth Fund Manulife Shariah PRS – Global REIT Fund
Manulife Shariah PRS-Golden Asia Fund
Sales charge Class A 0% Not Applicable
Class B
Class C A sales charge of up to 3.00% of NAV per unit will be imposed.
The Sales Charge is non-negotiable. However, the Provider may at its discretion charge a lower Sales Charge from time to time
Redemption charge Class A A redemption charge will be imposed at the following rates:

  • 3.00% of NAV per unit for withdrawal in the 2nd year after the first contribution to the Fund
  • 2.00% of NAV per unit for withdrawal in the 3rd year after the first contribution to the Fund;
  • 1.00% of NAV per unit for withdrawal in the 4th year after the first contribution to the Fund; and
  • no redemption charge will be imposed for withdrawal from the 5th year after the first contribution to the Fund.

The redemption charge will be retained by the Provider. The Provider has the discretion to waive the redemption charge.

Not Applicable
Class B
Class C No redemption charge will be imposed on the redemption of Class C units.
Please note that a Redemption Charge is applicable upon any withdrawal from the Scheme (except for upon a Member reaching Retirement Age, permanent departure of a Member from Malaysia or withdrawals due to a Member’s death, permanent total disablement, serious disease or mental disability, healthcare purpose or housing purpose).
Switching fee (between Funds of the Scheme or between a Fund of the Scheme and any other fund in another PRS operated by the Provider)
Members may switch:

  • between Funds of the Scheme;
  • between a Fund of the Scheme and any other fund in another scheme operated by the Provider; and
  • from Class A or Class B units to Class C units.

However, switching from Class C units to Class A or Class B units is not allowed.

No switching fee will be imposed on the first 12 switching transactions made during a calendar year. For each subsequent switching transaction made during the same calendar year, the Provider will impose the following fee on the member:

Class A
  • RM25.00 per switch between Funds of the Scheme or between a Fund of the Scheme and any other fund in another scheme operated by the Provider.
  • 3% of the amount switched out from Class A or Class B units to Class C units.
Not Applicable
Class B
Class C For each subsequent switching transaction made within the same class of Units between Funds of the Scheme and between a Fund of the Scheme and any other fund in another PRS operated by the Provider during the same Calendar Year, a switching fee of RM25.00 will be imposed by the Provider on the Member.
The Provider may at its discretion, waive the switching fee based on the terms and conditions as may be determined from time to time.
Transfer fee (to another PRS Provider) Class A
  • No transfer fee will be imposed on a request to transfer to another PRS operated by another PRS provider.
  • However, a redemption charge will be imposed on a member which rate will depend on the number of years the member has contributed to the Scheme.
Not Applicable
Class B
Class C A transfer fee of RM25.00 will be imposed on a request to transfer to another PRS operated by another PRS provider.
Annual management fee Class A 1.20% per annum of the NAV attributable to this Class of units of the Fund. 1.50% per annum of the NAV attributable to this Class of units of the Fund. 1.80% per annum of the NAV attributable to this Class of units of the Fund. Not Applicable
Class B 1.00% per annum of the NAV attributable to this Class of units of the Fund. 1.25% per annum of the NAV attributable to this Class of units of the Fund. 1.50% per annum of the NAV attributable to this Class of units of the Fund.
Class C Manulife PRS – Asia Pacific REIT Fund: Up to 1.75%

Manulife Sharia PRS – Global REIT Fund: Manulife Shariah PRS-Golden Asia Fund Up to 1.80%

per annum of the NAV attributable to this Class of units of the Fund.

Annual trustee fee Manulife PRS NESTEGG Series: 0.04% per annum of the NAV of the Fund.
Manulife Shariah PRS NESTEGG Series: 0.025% per annum of the NAV of the Fund.

The annual trustee fee does not include any foreign sub-custodian fees and charges (if any).

Annual PPA administration fee 0.04% per annum of the NAV of the Fund.
The PPA administration fee will be charged by the Administrator to the Fund.

风险 披露

You are advised to read the scheme’s disclosure document and understand the risks involved and, if necessary, consult your professional adviser before making contributions.

General Investment Risks

Market risk, Provider risk, Liquidity risk, Interest rate risk, Inflation risk, Concentration risk, Risk associated with default option (not applicable to Manulife RPS – Asia Pacific Fund and Manulife Shariah PRS – Global REIT Fund).

Specific Risks of the Funds

Manulife PRS NESTEGG Series

Manulife PRS- Conservative Fund Manulife PRS- Moderate Fund Manulife PRS-Growth Fund Manulife PRS – Asia Pacific REIT Fund
Stock Specific Risk checkmark checkmark checkmark checkmark
Country Risk checkmark checkmark checkmark checkmark
Currency Risk checkmark checkmark checkmark checkmark
Fund Manager Risk checkmark checkmark checkmark checkmark
Interest Rate Risk checkmark checkmark checkmark checkmark
Credit and Default Risk checkmark checkmark checkmark checkmark
Collective investment schemes Risk checkmark checkmark checkmark checkmark
Risk considerations for investing in Derivatives, Structured Products and Warrants checkmark checkmark checkmark checkmark
Specific Risk related of the Target Fund checkmark checkmark checkmark checkmark

Manulife Shairah PRS NESTEGG Series

Manulife Shariah PRS- Conservative Fund Manulife Shariah PRS- Moderate Fund Manulife Shariah PRS-Growth Fund Manulife Shariah PRS – Global REIT Fund Manulife Shariah PRS – Golden Asia Fund
Stock/Security Specific Risk checkmark checkmark checkmark checkmark checkmark
Country Risk checkmark checkmark checkmark checkmark checkmark
Currency Risk checkmark checkmark checkmark checkmark checkmark
Fund Manager Risk checkmark checkmark checkmark checkmark checkmark
Interest Rate Risk checkmark checkmark checkmark checkmark checkmark
Credit and Default Risk checkmark checkmark checkmark checkmark checkmark
Islamic Collective investment schemes Risk checkmark checkmark checkmark checkmark checkmark
Risk considerations for investing in Islamic Hedging Instruments and Shariah-compliant Warrants checkmark checkmark checkmark checkmark checkmark
Specific Risk related of the Target Fund checkmark checkmark checkmark checkmark checkmark


For the Fund Investment Performance information, please refer to PRS Fund Performance.
Manulife PRS – Retirement Solutions Consultants
Manulife Investment Management (M) Berhad

13th Floor, Menara Manulife
6, Jalan Gelenggang
Damansara Heights
50490 Kuala Lumpur
General Line: 603 2719 9228
Customer Service Hotline : 603 2719 9271
Fax: 603 2094 7654
Email :

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TA Investment Management Berhad
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