Membership Privileges
Here’s what you can enjoy as a PRS Member
When you invest in any PRS Fund, you are automatically enrolled as a lifetime member of PPA. You will receive your Lifetime Account Number and also given an online account.
With your online account, you can view and monitor latest fund prices, PRS contribution details and account summary of your PRS investments. The online account also offers a consolidated view of all your investments made with each Provider.

PPA at your service
Here are the other Member Services available to you:
- Account opening
- Regular contributions
- Pre-Retirement Withdrawal
- Facilitate Provider transfer
- Consolidated reporting
- Centralized administration
- Enquiry and complaint handling
- PPA keeps a record of all your PRS transactions in your PPA online account
Consolidated Statements
Members will receive an annual consolidated statement each year. These statements will be sent to Members via e-mail for Members whom have registered their e-mail addresses with us. Hard copies will be posted to the rest of the Members. Alternatively, Members are able to view the consolidated statements online or download a copy for their records. Different sections are displayed for individual and employer contributions (where PRS contributions are made on your behalf by your employer).
Members’ Support
Our key role as the Private Pension Administrator Malaysia is to serve and protect the interests of PRS members like you. To that end, we offer the following support channels for your convenience.

Call Centre
PPA Call Centre is available from Monday to Friday between 8:30 am to 5:30 pm. Our member services representatives are able to assist in: –
- PPA account administration matters
- Facilitating response to queries from members regarding their PRS investments made with Providers
- General enquiries from the public on the PPA and PRS
- Providing multi-lingual responses in Bahasa Malaysia, English, Mandarin and Tamil
Call Centre Hotline: 1-300-131-772
PRS Members may also write-in to us at Majority of enquiries can be attended to within 24 hours. A longer response time may be required in the event we need to contact your Provider for further investigation.
PPA Account Administration
For further help on how to operate your PPA online account, please refer to the following guide:
Please click here to view a visual guide on how to conduct First Time Login
Please click here to view a visual guide on how to Change your Password
Please contact PPA Call Centre at 1-300-131-772 if:
- You had been locked-out from your PPA online account;
- You wish to re-set your password;
- You wish to update your personal details;
- Other matters related to your PPA online account.
Complaint Handling
We analyse all complaints and take into account whether the complaint is founded and based on existing regulation and guidelines. Where the complaint is a serious matter, which requires changes in the existing regulation or guidelines, we will escalate the same to the regulators for further consideration.
You can lodge your complaints to PPA through the following channels: –
By Phone: 1-300-131-772
By E-mail:
We acknowledge receipt of all complaints within 24 hours and will attempt to resolve any complaints within 2 business days (for complaints which do not require investigation) and within 7 business days (for complaints which require investigation).