Nominate for your loved ones
Share your PRS Savings with your loved ones. You could make life a little easier for them to receive it without going through the hassle and a lengthy waiting period before they receive your gift to them. Make your nomination today.
Reasons to nominate
The purpose of making a nomination is to make it easy for your loved ones to receive your gift in the event of your passing on. Without your nomination, your loved ones may encounter difficulties when making a withdrawal from your PRS account, which may be a lengthy process.
Member’s nomination & persons to nominate
When you invest in PRS, you are automatically enrolled as a lifetime member of PPA. As a member, you may make a nomination for the purpose of easy disbursement of your PRS balance in the event of your demise.
You can nominate up to 6 persons and allocate specified percentage of the PRS balance to be paid to the nominee(s).
Steps to make a nomination

Quick check when making a nomination

- The nominee must be an individual (not welfare bodies/ organisations/ societies)
- Nominee and witness do not have to be present when Nomination Form is submitted
- Witness must be of sound mind, 18 years and above and not a named nominee
PRS Nomination FAQs
PRS Nomination by a Muslim Member
For Muslim members, nomination is the process of naming an individual(s) as an administrator who can withdraw the balance in a member’s PRS account upon the member’s death.
In the event a Muslim member completes the nomination process then, when he or she passes away, the person(s) nominated in the form shall receive the balance of the PRS holdings as an administrator. As an administrator, the person(s) will be responsible to distribute such amount in accordance with the Islamic Law.
If the Muslim member elects not to make a nomination, the balance in the PRS account shall be paid to a lawful administrator of the member’s estate. Please visit PPA’s website for more information on payment upon death of member without nomination or speak to your PRS Consultant.
1. Why do I need to make a nomination?
You are encouraged to make a nomination to facilitate and expedite the withdrawal of your PRS balance by the nominated person(s) in the event of your death. It also provides a sense of certainty to members that their PRS balance will be administered by the person(s) of their choice. If you opt not to make any nomination, your balance will be distributed in accordance with Islamic Laws. This process however, may take longer.
2. When can I make a nomination?
You can make a nomination at any time after a PRS account has been opened by completing the PPA Nomination Form
3. Where can I obtain the PPA Nomination Form?
You can download the PPA Nomination Form here or obtain the form from any PRS Providers or PRS Consultant.
4. Am I eligible to make a nomination?
Only members who are:
- A Malaysian citizen; OR
- A non-Malaysian citizen who has obtained a Permanent Resident (PR) status in Malaysia is eligible to make a nomination.
5. Who can be named as a nominee/administrator?
You can nominate any ‘natural person’ as a nominee/administrator. ‘Natural person’ refers to individuals and does not refer to organisations, associations, societies, welfare bodies and others.
You are advised to nominate your next-of-kin such as your spouse or child/children and parents to administer your PRS balance. However, the nomination can still be accepted if you name those other than your next-of-kin.
You may nominate your child/children who is/are a minor as your administrator(s). However, a minor may only administer if he/she has reached 18 years of age. If you pass away before the minor reaches 18 years old, the nomination is treated as revoked as the minor can’t act legally as an administrator. Instead your PRS balance shall be paid to a lawful administrator of your estate.
6. Is there a limit to the number of nominees I can appoint?
You may nominate one (1) individual or several individuals subject to not more than six (6) individuals.
7. Is there a limit to the number of times that I can make my nomination?
No, there is no limit to the number of times which you can make a nomination.
However, please be informed that any new nomination form submitted to PPA or the PRS Provider will be treated as the latest nomination and will supersede previous nomination(s) made.
8. How do I make a nomination?
You are required to meet your PRS Consultant/ PRS Provider/ PPA in person to submit the following documents which must be complete and in order:
- PPA Nomination Form; and
- A copy front and back of Identification Card (MyKad/Police Identification Card / Military Identification Card / Permanent Resident Identification Card (MyPR)) of the member.
The PRS Consultant/ PRS Provider is required to sight your identification card and verify your identity. The relevant PRS Provider would then extend the forms to the PPA. Alternatively, you may submit the form directly to PPA.
9. Do I need a witness when making a nomination?
Yes, a witness is required. You can choose anyone who is 18 years old and above and of sound mind to be a witness to your nomination EXCEPT the following persons:
- the persons selected as nominee;
- the spouse of the nominee;
- an employee of the PPA; or
- an employee/consultant of the PRS Provider.
The witness is not required to be present in person when you submit the nomination form to PPA or the PRS Provider.
10. When will my nomination be effective?
Your nomination will become effective when a completed and witnessed nomination form is received by a PRS Provider/ PPA.
NOTE: Processing time will be dependent on the completeness of the form and supporting documentation.
11. How do I make changes to my PRS nomination?
You can complete a new PPA Nomination Form. Your new nomination will supersede the earlier nomination which you have made.
12. I have more than one PRS account as I have investments with multiple PRS Providers. Can I fill different nomination forms to provide different nominees for the respective PRS account?
No, only ONE (1) PPA Nomination Form will apply to all PRS accounts.
13. How can I check my nomination?
Your nomination details will be available upon logging onto PRS Members’ Portal via PPA’s website ( You will also receive a confirmation from PPA that a nomination has been made inclusive of your nomination details via your email.
14. How can I revoke my nomination?
You may complete and submit a Revocation of Nomination Form to your PRS Provider/Consultant/PPA if you wish to revoke your previous nominations made and do not wish to nominate any other persons to receive your PRS balance upon your death.
For your information, there are other circumstances as set out below which would also revoke nominations previously made by members. These circumstances are:
- Upon the death of all of nominee(s) stated in the PPA Nomination Form during the lifetime of the member;
- When member submits a new PPA Nomination Form;
- Where a nominee fails to submit the withdrawal form within one (1) year from the death of the Muslim member (The one (1) year deadline is to ensure the nominee(s) take(s) action as soon as possible to expedite the distribution of the PRS balance); and
- Where the nominee is legally incapable to act as an administrator (e.g. under the age of 18 or is certified as having permanent total disability or mental disability)
NOTE: A Nomination shall not be revoked by any Will.
15. Do I have to update my nomination when there are changes to my circumstances (e.g. marriage, child birth, death of my nominee)?
If your circumstances have changed (e.g. marriage, birth, death of a nominee), you are encouraged to update your nomination to keep it relevant with your current circumstances. If you do not update your nomination, the persons stated on the PPA Nomination Form will receive the balance in the PRS account.
Example: Your current nomination form lists down your father and mother as your nominees. You have just gotten married and would like to include your spouse as the nominee in addition to your parents. You will need to obtain a new nomination form and fill up the details of your parents and your spouse.
16. What happens when a nominee predeceases (dies before) me?
If a nominee dies before you, this will not affect distribution to the other nominees. Other nominees can carry on the obligation to claim as an administrator.
However the portion allocated to the deceased nominee shall be paid to a lawful administrator of the member’s estate.
17. What if the nominee who is supposed to act as the administrator, does not distribute the PRS balance according to the Islamic Law?
This is beyond the jurisdiction of PPA or the PRS Providers as their duties is limited to the disbursement of the PRS balance in accordance to the PPA Nomination Form. The PPA Nomination Form will highlight the duty of the nominee to act as the administrator to distribute the PRS balance in accordance to Islamic Law.
18. What happens when a nominee dies after the death of a member, and did not make any claim on the PRS balance?
If the nominee dies after the member’s death but before he makes any claim for withdrawal, the PRS balance shall revert to the member’s estate.
19. Can anyone know the person I have nominated?
No. Your nomination is confidential. However, there are proper procedures for the next of kin or administrator to check on the nomination status once the member has passed away.
20. Upon member’s death, how will the next of kin/ executor/ administrator check on the nomination details?
PPA shall provide nomination status to PPA Member’s next of kin or executor upon receiving the Nomination Details Enquiry Form. Nominees may approach your PRS Consultant/PRS Providers or PPA for more details on the process.
21. What documentation is required to make a withdrawal upon death of a member?
Nominee is required to submit the following documents which must be complete and in order:-
- Withdrawal upon Death of a Member Form;
- Certified true copy of member’s death certificate; and
- A copy of front and back copy of nominee(s) Identification Card (MyKad/Permanent Resident Identification Card (MyPR)/ Police Identification Card/Military Identification Card)/ Passport (for foreigner).
The duly completed Withdrawal upon Death of a Member Form has to be submitted by the nominee to a PRS Provider through a PRS Consultant.
22. If there is more than one nominee, does each nominee need to submit separate withdrawal forms?
Yes, each nominee is required to submit separate forms as they are allowed to withdraw only the percentage allocated to them. They are also not required to submit the form collectively.
23. Can the nominee make partial withdrawals to the PRS balance?
No. The nominee must make full withdrawal based on the percentage allocated to him/her.
24. Can others not named in the nomination form claim the PRS balance on the nominee’s behalf?
Disbursements shall be made to those named in the PPA Nomination Form, unless the nomination has been revoked.
25. Is there a time limit for a nominee to submit the Withdrawal upon Death of a Member Form to PPA or PRS Provider?
To ensure the nominee(s) take(s) action as soon as possible to expedite the distribution of the PRS balance, the submission of the withdrawal form must be made within one (1) year upon member’s death.
Since the nomination is treated as revoked after one year, the withdrawal process will be treated as a normal withdrawal without nomination. In such an instance, the balance in the PRS account shall be paid to a lawful administrator of the member’s estate.
26. What is the mode of payment?
The mode of payment is either through crediting into an active bank account of the respective nominee or issuing a cheque in the name of the nominee(s). Nominee(s) will be notified by the PRS Providers when disbursement is complete.
PRS Nomination by a Non-Muslim Member
For Non-Muslim members, nomination is the process of naming an individual(s) to receive the PRS balance according to the direction of the nomination as a beneficiary upon the member’s death.
If the member elects not to make any nomination, the PRS balance shall be paid to a lawful executor or administrator of the member’s estate.
1. Why do I need to make a nomination?
You are encouraged to make a nomination to facilitate and expedite the withdrawal of your PRS balance by the nominated person(s) in the event of your death. It also provides a sense of certainty to members that their PRS balance will be given to the nominated person(s) of their choice. If you opt not to make any nomination, your PRS balance will be paid to a lawful executor or administrator of the member’s estate. This process however, may take longer.
2. When can I make a nomination?
You can make a nomination at any time after a PRS account has been opened by completing the PPA Nomination Form.
3. Where can I obtain the PPA Nomination Form?
You can download the PPA Nomination Form here or obtain the form from your PRS Providers or PRS Consultant..
4. Am I eligible to make a nomination?
Only members who are:
- A Malaysian citizen; or
- A non-Malaysian citizen who has obtained a Permanent Resident (PR) status in Malaysia is eligible to make a nomination.
5. Who can be named as a nominee?
You can nominate any ‘natural person’ as a nominee. ‘Natural person’ refers to individuals and does not refer to organisations, associations, societies, welfare bodies and others.
You may nominate your child/children who is/are a minor as your beneficiary. Generally, payment to a nominee may only be made when the nominee has turned 18 years old. However, their parent/legal guardian may withdraw on behalf of the minor nominee by furnishing either a Birth certificate (as proof of parentage) or a Court order (as proof of legal guardianship) where applicable.
6. Is there a limit to the number of nominees I can appoint?
You may nominate one (1) person or several persons subject to no more than six (6) individuals.
7. Is there a limit to the number of times that I can make my nomination?
No, there is no limit to the number of times which you can make a nomination.
However, please be informed that any new nomination form submitted to PPA or the PRS Provider will be treated as the latest nomination and will supersede previous nomination(s) made.
8. How do I make a nomination?
You are required to meet your PRS Consultant/ PRS Provider in person to submit the following documents which must be complete and in order:-
- PPA Nomination Form; and
- A copy front and back of Identification Card (MyKad/Police Identification Card/Military Identification Card/ Permanent Resident Identification Card (MyPR)) of the member.
The PRS Consultant/ PRS Provider is required to sight your identification card and verify your identity. The relevant PRS Provider would then extend the forms to the PPA.
9. Do I need a witness when making a nomination?
Yes, a witness is required. You can choose anyone who is 18 years old and above and of sound mind to be a witness to your nomination EXCEPT the following persons:
- the nominee;
- the spouse of the nominee;
- an employee of the PPA; or
- an employee/consultant of the PRS Provider.
The witness is not required to be present in person when you submit the nomination form to PPA or the PRS Provider.
10. How do I make changes to my PRS nomination?
You can complete a new PPA Nomination Form. Your new nomination will supersede the earlier nomination which you have made.
11. How could I revoke my nomination?
You may complete and submit a Revocation of Nomination Form to your PRS Provider/Consultant if you wish to revoke your previous nominations made and do not wish to nominate any other persons to receive your PRS balance upon your death.
For your information, there are other circumstances as set out below which would also revoke nominations previously made by members. These circumstances are:
- Upon the death of all of nominee(s) during the lifetime of the member; or
- When member submits a new PPA Nomination Form.
NOTE: Nomination shall not be revoked by a Will.
12. When will my nomination be effective?
Your nomination will become effective when a completed and witnessed nomination form is received by a PRS Provider.
NOTE: Processing time will be dependent on the completeness of the form and supporting documentation.
13. Do I have to update my nomination when there are changes to my circumstances (e.g. marriage, child birth, death of my nominee)?
If your circumstances have changed (e.g. marriage, birth, death of a nominee), you are encouraged to update your nomination to keep it relevant with your current circumstances.
If you do not update your nomination, the persons stated on the PPA Nomination Form will receive the balance in the PRS account.
Example: Your current nomination form lists down your father and mother as your nominees. You have just gotten married and would like to include your spouse as the nominee in addition to your parents. You will need to obtain a new nomination form and fill up the details of your parents and your spouse.
14. How can I check my nomination?
Your nomination details will be available upon logging onto PRS Members’ Portal via PPA’s website ( You will also receive a confirmation from PPA that a nomination has been made inclusive of your nomination details via your email.
15. I have more than one PRS account as I have investments with multiple PRS Providers. Can I fill different nomination forms to provide different nominees for the respective PRS account?
No, only ONE PPA Nomination Form will apply to all PRS accounts with respective Providers.
16. What happens when nominee predeceases (dies before) me?
If one or all nominee dies and you have not made a new nomination form, the portion of deceased nominee shall be paid to a lawful executor or administrator of the member’s estate.
However even if one or more of the nominee(s) dies before you, this will not affect distribution to the other nominees. Other nominees can claim the PRS balance according to the direction of the nomination as a beneficiary.
17. What happens when a nominee dies after the death of a member, and did not make any claim on the PRS balance?
If the nominee dies after the member’s death but before he makes any claim for withdrawal, the PRS balance shall revert to the nominee’s estate and shall be paid to the lawful executor or administrator of the deceased nominee’s estate.
18. Can anyone know the person I have nominated?
No. Your nomination is confidential. However, there are proper procedures for the next of kin or executor to check on the nomination status once the member has passed away.
19. Upon member’s death, how will the next of kin/ executor/ administrator check on the nomination details?
PPA shall provide nomination status to PPA Member’s next of kin or executor upon receiving the Nomination Details Enquiry Form. Nominees may approach the PRS Providers and PPA for more details on the process.
20. What documentation is required to make a withdrawal upon death of a member?
Nominee(s) is required to submit the following documents which must be complete and in order:-
- Withdrawal upon Death of a Member Form;
- Certified true copy of member’s death certificate; and
- A copy of front and back of nominee(s) Identification Card (MyKad/Police Identification Card/Military Identification Card)/ Passport (for foreigner).
The duly completed Withdrawal upon Death of a Member’s Form has to be submitted by the nominee to a PRS Provider.
21. If there is more than one nominee, does each nominee need to submit separate withdrawal form?
Yes, each nominee is required to submit separate forms as they are allowed to withdraw only the percentage allocated to them. They are also not required to submit the form collectively.
22. Can the nominee make partial withdrawals of the PRS balance?
No. The nominee must make full withdrawals based on the percentage allocated to him/her.
23. What if the nominee is still a minor (below the age of 18), upon member’s death?
As a general rule, the nominee will not be eligible to apply for the withdrawal until he/she has turned 18 years old. However, the parent/legal guardian of the nominee may withdraw on behalf of the minor nominee by furnishing either a Birth certificate (as proof of parentage) or a Court order (as proof of legal guardianship) where applicable.
The parent/legal guardian will be subjected to an execution of an undertaking that such amount paid will be applied solely for the maintenance and benefit of the nominee.
24. What if the nominee is diagnosed as having permanent total disablement/ mental disability / serious disease after I have nominated him/her?
In the case of a nominee who is certified as having permanent total disablement (PTD)/ Serious Disease (SD)/ Mental Disability (MD) (as defined under the PRS Guidelines) by a medical practitioner registered under the Medical Act 1971 [Act 50], payment to the nominee may be subjected to the following scenarios :
Scenarios regarding nominee with Permanent Total Disablement (PTD) / Serious Disease (SD) / Mental Disability (MD) | Details | |
Nominee is able to sign form | Payment to be credited to nominee’s bank account or cheque to be issued under nominee’s name. | |
Nominee is unable to sign form due to Permanent Total Disablement (PTD) and thus require application of thumbprint | In the event the Nominee is unable to sign the withdrawal form due to being diagnosed as having PTD as defined under the PRS Guidelines, thumbprint may be accepted, whereby the treating doctor is to verify and endorse on nominee’s inability to sign and willingness to place thumbprint on the Withdrawal upon Death of a Member’s Form.
Treating doctor must also complete PPA’s Medical Report on a Patient Withdrawing from PRS for PTD. |
Nominee is unable to sign the form due to their health condition and require assistance of a 3rd party to complete and sign the form on behalf of the nominee | General rule
A 3rd party may complete and sign the form on behalf of the nominee. Payment will be credited to nominee’s bank account or cheque issued under nominee’s name. If the 3rd party is person(s) appointed via Court Order (acting on behalf of nominees certified with PTD/MD only) The persons appointed via Court order may receive payment on behalf of the nominee subject to the PRS Provider being satisfied that the court order:
If the 3rd party is appointed through power of attorney by the nominee (who is certified as having PTD / SD only) The persons appointed may receive payment on behalf of the nominee subject to the PRS Provider being satisfied that the power of attorney document:
25. Can others not named in the nominee form claim the PRS balance on the nominee’s behalf?
Disbursements shall only be made to those named in the PPA Nomination Form, unless the nomination has been revoked.
26. What is the mode of payment?
The mode of payment is either through crediting into the bank account of the respective nominee or issuing a cheque in the name of the nominee(s). Nominee(s) will be notified by the PRS Providers when disbursement is complete.
PRS Nomination Scenarios
Adam has PRS holdings with PRS Provider ABC and PRS Provider XYZ as shown below:
Provider ABC – Fund 1 | 500 Units | RM 500 |
Provider XYZ – Fund 2 | 500 Units | RM 500 |
No | Nominee Name(s) (As per NRIC/Passport) | NRIC/Passport Number | Mobile No. | Percentage Allocated (%) |
1 | Wife name | xxx | xxx | 60 |
2 | Brother’s name | xxx | xxx | 40 |
Total | 100 |
In filling up the form with the above percentage or allocation, the wife will receive/ administer 60% of all of Adam’s PRS holdings in his PRS account, while Adam’s brother will receive/ administer the remaining 40%
Scenario 2: Withdrawal by nominee upon death of the member
At the point of Adam’s death, the processes to withdraw the PRS balance from Adam’s PRS accounts are as shown below:
The PRS holdings will be calculated as follows:
Forms must be filled up using BLOCK LETTERS with a BLACK INK pen ONLY.
Process | Forms and suporting documents | |
Making a nomination (To be filled up by member) |
Form must be witnessed by an individual. Witness criteria are as follows:
During the submission the PRS consultant/ PRS Provider/PPA will verify the identity of the member by checking the original Identification Card (MyKad/Police Identification Card/Military Identification Card)/ Permanent Resident Identification card (MyPR)/ Passport (for foreigner). |
Withdrawal upon death of a member (To be filled up by nominee or applicant [in the case of nominee who has PTD, Serious Disease or Mental Disability, where applicable]) |
Applicable for non-Muslims only
During the submission the PRS consultant/Provider will verify the identity of the nominee/applicant by checking the original Identification Card (MyKad/Police Identification Card/Military Identification Card)/ Permanent Resident Identification card (MyPR)/ Passport (for foreigner). Documents marked with an asterix (*) must be submitted as certified true copies and verified by a Commissioner of Oaths, complete with the name, address and official stamp of the Commissioner of Oaths. |
Nomination details enquiry form (To be filled up by Member’s next of kin / executor) |
During the submission the PRS consultant/Provider/PPA will verify the identity of the nominee/applicant by checking the original Identification Card (MyKad/Police Identification Card/Military Identification Card)/ Permanent Resident Identification card (MyPR)/ Passport (for foreigner). Documents marked with an asterix (*) must be submitted as certified true copies and verified by a Commissioner of Oaths, complete with the name, address and official stamp of the Commissioner of Oaths. |
PRS Nomination Forms
For forms related to nomination, download here.